Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The 'why's and 'how's...

Today while surfing through I came across this article in opinion page. The author wonders "why they did not teach me something as simple yet essential as repairing a fuse back in school" and goes on to discuss more on this.  

Sounds so right...but wait a minute... why does it have to be taught in school??? Why cant it be taught at home???Why is it that educating a child is the responsibility of a teacher or a school??? Are parents shying away from it???

Throughout my education none of us were ever encouraged to question the text books. Our whys were either silenced or met with indifference. Hows were no different. Sometimes we got "I don't know" or "Why are you asking me" in return. This is the system in place...and knowing the way things are in our country, I can only say it may take generations to change... 

Simpler and more feasible solution is to begin at home. Encouraging kids to question will definitely make life difficult for parents, but that is the right way... If you cant substantiate, you cant demand. If you don't know the answer, find out and share. Or even better, find out with the kid... The fun involved is unmatched.
Rather than pushing the responsibility to someone else, take charge...

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